1. See, for example: Tilley D.R., Tilley J. (1990) Superfluidity and Superconductivity, Adam Hilger, Bristol
2. Bardeen J., Cooper L.N., Schrieffer J.R. (1957) Phys Rev 108:1175–1204
3. Bednorz J.G., Müller K.A. (1986) Z Phys B 64:189; Bednorz J.G., Müller K.A. (1988) Rev Mod Phys 60:585-600
4. See, for example, papers published in: Salje E.K.H., Alexandrov A.S., Liang W.Y. (Eds.) (1995) Polarons and Bipolarons in High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials, Cambridge University Press, and references therein
5. For textbooks and/or review related to the (J.SR technique, see, for example: Schenck A. (1986) Muon Spin Rotation Spectroscopy, Adam Hilger, Bristol; Yamazaki T., Nakai K., Nagamine K. (Eds.) (1992) Perspectives of Meson Science, North Holland, Amsterdam; Karlsson E.B. (1995) Solid State Phenomena as Seen by Muons, Protons and Excited Nuclei, Oxford University Press