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2. Kitamura, T., Hattori, H.: Studies on origin, function and morphology of so-called microglia. III. Do pericytes become macrophages in the brain injury? Advanc. Neurol. Sci. (Tokyo)16, 447?451 (1972a) (in Japanese)
3. Kitamura, T., Hattori, H., Fujita, S.: Autoradiographic studies on histogenesis of brain macrophages in the mouse. J. Neuropath. exp. Neurol.31, 502?518 (1972b)
4. Kitamura, T., Hattori, H., Fujita, S.: EM-autoradiographic studies on the inflammatory cells in the experimental Japanese encephalitis. J. Electron Micr. (Tokyo)21, 315?322 (1972c) (in Japanese, with abstract in English)
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