1. United Nations: United Nations Millennium Declaration, Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly, New York, 18 September 2000.
2. See Boileau Loko, Montfort Mlachila, Raj Nallari, Kadima Kalonji: The Impact of External Indebtedness on Poverty in Low-Income Countries, IMF Working Paper, WP/03/61, Washington DC 2004; David Dollar, Aart C. Kraay: Growth is Good for the Poor, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 2587, Washington DC, April 2001.
3. See Paul Krugman: Financing vs. Forgiving A Debt Overhang, in: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 29, North-Holland 1988, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 253–268, 1988.
4. See S. Ibi Ajayi, Mohsin S. Khan: Introduction, in: Ibi Ajayi, Mohsin S. Khan (eds.): External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington DC 2000, IMF-Institute, pp. 1–8, 2000.
5. See Anthony R. Boote, Kamau K. Thugge: Debt Relief for Low-Income Countries and the HIPC Initiative. IMF Working Paper, WP/97/24, Washington DC 1997; David Andrews, Anthony R. Boote, Syed S. Rizavi, Sukhwinder Singh: Debt Relief for Low-Income Countries. The Enhanced HIPC Initiative, International Monetary Fund, Pamphlet Series No. 51, Washington DC 1999.