1. E. Wolf: Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium of Energy Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, Conf.-9205147, 202–210 (1992).
2. Selected Papers on Coherence and Radiometry, ed. A.T. Friberg (SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, 1993) Milestone Series, Vol. 69.
3. E. Wolf: International Trends in Optics, ed. J.W. Goodman (Academic Press, 1991) p. 221.
4. P.W. Milonni and S. Singh: Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, eds. D. Bates and B. Bederson (Academic Press, New York, 1991) Vol. 28, Chap. VIII, p. 127.
5. E. Wolf: Proc. Symp. Huygens’ Principle 1690–1990: Theory and Applications, eds. H. Blok, H.A. Ferwerda and H.K. Kuiken (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992) p. 113.