1. Grady Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications. Benjamin Cummings, 2nd edition, 1994.
2. J. Dongarra and al. An Object-Oriented Design for High-Performance Linear Algebra on Distributed Memory Architectures. In Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Numerics Conference (OON-SKI'93), 1993.
3. F. Guidec and Y. Mahéo. POM: a Virtual Parallel Machine Featuring Observation Mechanisms. PI 902, IRISA, January 1995.
4. F. Hamelin, J.-M. Jézéquel, and T. Priol. A Multi-paradigm Object Oriented Parallel Environment. In H. J. Siegel, editor, Int. Parallel Processing Symposium IPPS'94 proceedings, pages 182–186. IEEE Computer Society Press, April 1994.
5. J.-M. Jézéquel. EPEE: an Eiffel Environment to Program Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. In ECOOP'92 proceedings, number 611. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, (also published in the Journal of Object Oriented Programming, 1993), July 1992.