The current study compared a novel technique of scleral indentation using the self-retaining Leyla retractor to the conventional scleral self-indentation with the chandelier light.
Patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment were randomized on a 1:1 basis to either have the (Baha) indentation using a tip of a thimble scleral indenter welded to the support for the Leyla retractor system or to have the conventional scleral indentation while using a 25-gauge chandelier light. A video was recorded for the surgery of all the cases and reviewed by another consultant masked to the type of indentation. The indentation duration (i.e., the time in seconds between the first appearance of a hump due to scleral indentation in the recorded video until its final disappearance) was measured for every case.
The current study included 60 eyes of 60 adults with a mean age of 59.6 ± 9.8 years. Thirty-nine of the eyes were phakic and 21 were pseudophakic. The mean indentation time was 618 ± 87 and 696 ± 72 s in (Baha) indentation and conventional indentation groups, respectively. The difference was not statistically significant (p = 38). There was a positive correlation between the vertical palpebral fissure height and the indentation duration for both (Baha) indentation (r = 0.58) and conventional indentation groups (r = 0.42). Readjustment of the chandelier endo-illumination was required in 19 cases (63.3%) in the conventional indentation group. Iatrogenic breaks or accidental crystalline lens touch did not occur in any case.
The (Baha) technique is effective and safe, especially in patients with a larger palpebral fissure.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC