1. T. A. Sinitsyna, Abstracts of the Proceedings at the Session on the Problem: Atherosclerosis and Myocardial Infarction [in Russian] (Moscow, 1958) p. 31.
2. A. N. Fedoseev, Byull. Éksp. Biol. Med.46, 12, 101 (1958). Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation.
3. A. N. Fedoseev, Byull. Éksp. Biol. Med.50, No. 11 (1960). See C. B. translation.
4. A. N. Fedoseev, Byull. Éksp. Biol. Med.50, 5, 41 (1960). Original Russian pagination. See C. B. translation.
5. M. Bevans, et al., Arch. Path.51, 278 (1951).