1. Abramson, P. R., J. H. Aldrich, and D. W. Rohde (1983).Change and Continuity in the 1980 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
2. Abramson, P. R., J. H. Aldrich, and D. W. Rohde (1987).Change and Continuity in the 1984 Elections, revised edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
3. Abramson, P. R., J. H. Aldrich, and D. W. Rohde (1990).Change and Continuity in the 1988 Elections. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
4. Aldrich, J. H. (1980).Before the Convention: Strategies and Choices in Presidential Nomination Campaigns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
5. Aldrich, J. H., and F. D. Nelson (1984).Linear Probability, Logit, and Probit Models. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.