1. V. Čermák: Results of Geothermic Investigation of Heat Flow in Czechoslovakia in 1964–1966. Studia geoph. et geod., 11 (1967), 342.
2. V. Čermák: Terrestrial Heat Flow in Czechoslovakia and Its Relation to Some Geological Features. Proc. 23. Int. Geol. Congr., Prague, 5 (1968), 75.
3. V. Čermák: Heat Flow Investigation in Czechoslovakia. In: A. Ádám (Ed.): Geoelectrical and Geothermal Studies in Central and Eastern Europe, KAPG Geoph. Monograph, Akad. Kiadó, Budapest (in press).
4. V. Novák: Zemský tepelný tok v hlubiných vrtech Žarošice 1 a 2 v oblasti Ždánického lesa. Věstník ÚÚG, 46 (1971), 277.
5. V. Čermák: Processing of Heat Flow Data — Thermal Conductivity and Temperature Gradient. In: A. Ádám (Ed.): Geoelectrical and Geothermal Studies in Central and Eastern Europe, KAPG Geoph. Monograph, Akad. Kiadó, Budapest (in press).