1. A. Giovannini, L. Van Hove: Z. Phys. C—Particles and Fields 30 (1986) 391
2. For a review see Multiparticle Dynamics, Festschrift for Léon Van Hove, A. Giovannini, W. Kittel, (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific 1990
3. L. Van Hove, A. Giovannini: Acta Phys. Polon. B19 (1988) 917; L. Van Hove, A. Giovannini: Acta Phys. Polon. B 19 (1988) 931
4. L. Van Hove, A. Giovannini: to appear in Proceedings of XXVth International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 1990
5. A. Giovannini, R. Ugoccioni, L. Van Hove: in Proceedings of the XXVth Rencontres de Moriond at Les Arc, Edition Frontières, 1990, p. 299; A. Giovannini, R. Ugoccioni, L. Van Hove, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Correlations and Multiparticle Production (CAMP), p. 219, Marburg 1990. Singapore: World Scientific 1991