1. G. A. Chadwick:Progr. Mater. Sct, 1963, vol. 12, p. 97.
2. M. J. Salkind, F. D. Lemkey, and F. D. George:Whisker Technology, A. P. Levitt, ed., Chapter 10, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1970.
3. F. S. Galasso:High Modulus Fibers and Composites, p. 86, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969.
4. D. R. Spalding, R. E. Villagrana, and G. A. Chadwick:Phil. Mag., 1969, vol. 20, p.471.
5. G.Garmong and C.G. Rhodes:Met. Trans., 1971, vol. 3, p. 533.