1. R. I. Jaffee and I. E. Campbell: The Effect of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen on Iodide Refined Titanium. Trans. AIME (1949) 185, pp. 646–655; Journal of Metals (September 1949).
2. Unpublished data by Richard Pitler, Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.
3. A. D. McQuillan: An Experimental and Thermodynamic Investigation of the Titanium-Hydrogen System. Proc. Royal Soc., London (1950) A204, (1078), p. 39.
4. L. Kirschfeld and A. Sieverts: The Titanium-Hydrogen System. Ztsch. Physik. Chem. (1929) 145A, pp. 227–240.
5. T. R. P. Gibb and H. W. Kruschwitz, Jr.: The Titanium-Hydrogen System and Titanium Hydride. I. Low Pressure Studies. Journal ACS (1950) 72, pp. 5365–5369.