1. K.J. Astrom, Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory. Academic Press, New York, 1970.
2. G.J. Balas, J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, A.K. Packard, R. Smith, H-Infinity and Mu Control Analysis: Mu-Tools Manual. The MathWorks Inc. 1990.
3. D.S. Bayard, “Multivariable frequency domain identification via 2-Norm minimization,” Proc. American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1253–1257, June 1992.
4. D.S. Bayard, “Statistical plant set estimation using Schroeder-phased multisinusoidal input designs,” J. Applied Mathematics and Computation (forthcoming); also, Proc. American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 2988–2995, June 1992; also JPL Internal Document D-8146, Jan 1991.
5. D.S. Bayard, “High-order wide-band frequency domain identification using composite curve fitting,” Proc. American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 3181–3185, June 1992.