1. Collins, Denis and Thomas O'Rourke: 1994, Ethical Dilemmas in Business (South-Western Publishing Company, Cincinnati).
2. Collins, Denis and Laura Page: 1995, ?Shifting from the Immanuel Kant to the Ted Koppel Paradigm for Integrating Business Ethics in the Curriculum: A Case Study?, Working paper.
3. Collins, Denis and Steven L. Wartick: 1995, ?Business and Society/Business Ethics Courses: Twenty Years at the Crossroads?, Business & Society 34(1), 51?89.
4. Freire, Paulo: 1971, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Herder and Herder, New York).
5. Galbraith, John Kenneth: 1992, The Culture of Contentment (Houghton Mifflin, New York).