1. ?Commercial Opportunities for Advanced Composites?, ASTM STP 704, edited by A. A. Watts (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1980) p. 6.
2. E. G. KENDALL, ?Composite Materials? Vol. 4, Metallic Matrix Composites, edited by K. G. Kreider (Academic Press, New York, London, 1974) p. 360.
3. A. OKURA, E. NAKATA and S. SAKAI,J. Jpn. Inst. Met. 47 (1983) 249 (in Japanese).
4. I. H. KHAN,Met. Trans. A7 (1976) 1281.
5. E. FITZER and E. LANATOWITZ,High Temp. High Press. 7 (1975) 299.