1. J. E. GORDON, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Vol. 1, edited by K. J. Miller and R. F. Smith, Cambridge, England, August 1979 (Pergamon, 1979) p. 315.
2. J. FRENKEL and T. KONTOROVA,Phys. Z. Sowjetunion,13 (1938) 1.
3. E. R. FULLER and R. THOMSON, ?Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics?, Vol. 4, edited by R. C. Bradtet al. (Plenum Publishing Corpn. 1978) p. 507.
4. E. SMITH, ?Fracture 77?, Vol. 4, edited by D. M. R. Taplin (University of Waterloo Press, Canada, 1977) p. 65.