1. Nilsson AN (2001) World catalogue of insects. volume 3. Dytiscidae (Coleoptera). Apollo Books, Stenstrup, p 395
2. Borror DJ, De Long DM, Triplehorn CA (1981) An introduction to the study of insects. Hold, Rinehard and Winston, USA, p 827
3. Spangler PJ (1981) Aquatic biota of tropical South America, part 1: Arthropoda. San Diego State University, San Diego, California, p 323
4. Booth RG, Cox ML, Madge RB (1990) IIE guides to insects of importance to man. 3. Coleoptera. The University Press, Cambridge, p 369
5. Roughley RE (1990) A systematic revision of species of Dytiscus Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Part 1. Classification based on adult stage. Quaest Entomol 26:383–557