1. Reiter, R., R. Sládkovič, and W. Carnuth: Atmospheric Aerosols between 700 and 3000 m a. s. l., Part IV, A Study of Effects of Atmospheric Fine Structure Characteristics in the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols. Final Technical Report, Contract DAJA-37-69-C-1357, July 1970.
2. Reiter, R., R. Sládkovič, and W. Carnuth: On Fine Structure and Control of Vertical Aerosol Exchange between 700 and 3000 m; New Methods and Results. Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl., A,20, 115–157 (1971).
3. Reiter, R., and R. Sládkovič: Control of Vertical Transport of Aerosols between 700 and 3000 m by the Lapse Rate and Fine Structure of Temperature: Results of a Sequence of Measurements Covering Several Years. J. Geophys. Res.75, 3065 (1970), CACR Symposium Heidelberg 1969.
4. Reiter, R., R. Sládkovič, and W. Carnuth: Atmospheric Aerosols between 700 and 3000 m a. s. l., Part V, A Study of Effects of Atmospheric Fine Structure Characteristics in the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols. Final Technical Report, Contract DAJA-37-70-C-2647, July 1971.
5. Carnuth, W.: On Coalescence in Aerosols in the Aitken Size Subrange. 7th Intern. Conference on Condensation and Ice Nuclei, Prague-Vienna (1969) Proceedings, p. 374–378.