1. Degens, E.T., Matheja, J.: J. Brit. Interpl. Soc.21, 52 (1968); in: Prebiotic and Biochemical Evolution, p.39. Ed. by A. P. Kimball and J. Orb. North Holland Publ. Co. 1970; Matheja, J., Degens, E.T.: Third Intern. Biophys. Congr. (Abstract), p.169 (1969); Structural Molecular Biology of Phosphates. Verlag: Fischer 1971.
2. Kelemen, S. P., E.T. Degens: Nature211, 857 (1966).
3. Harvey, G.R., Mopper, K., Degens, E.T.: Chem. Geol. (in preparation).
4. Supported by a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Woods Hole Contribution No. 2713.