1. Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. January 27, 2003.
2. T. Gleditch, H. Hvims, R. Rorgren, and J. Vahakangas,The Nordic Electronics Packaging Guideline—Chapter C: Conductuve Polymers, Level 2: Introduction, [Online]. Available:http://extra.ivf.se/ngl/CPolymerBonding/ChapterC.htm [May 25, 2002].
3. T. Gleditch, H. Hvims, R. Rorgren, and J. Vahakangas,The Nordic Electronics Packaging Guideline—Chapter C: Conductuve Polymers, Level 1: Introduction, [Online]. Available:http://extra.ivf.se/ngl/CPolymerBonding/ChapterC.htm [May 28, 2002].
4. J. Felba, R. Kisiel, and A. Moscicki (Paper presented at 23rd Int. Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE, Balatonford, Hungary, 2000).
5. J.E. Morris, inConductive Adhesives for Electronic Packaging, ed. L. Johan (Isle of Mann, U.K.: Electrochemical Pubs. Ltd.), pp. 29–35.