1. Arrow KJ (1991) Ricardo’s work as viewed by later economists. J Hist Econ Thought 13:70–77
2. Böhm-Bawerk Ev (1913) Eine “dynamische” Theorie des Kapitalzinses, Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, 22: 520–585
3. Bortkiewicz LV (1906–7) Wertrechnung und Preisrechnung im Marxschen System, three parts. Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 23: 1–50; 25: 10–51 and 445–88. An English translation of pts. 2 and 3 were published as “Value and price in the Marxian system” in International Economic Papers, 2: 5–60
4. Carey HC (1851) The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing and commercial. J.S. Skinner, Philadelphia
5. Dmitriev VK (1974) Economic essays on value, competition and utility. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, English translation of a collection of Dmitriev’s essays published in Russian in 1904 edited by D. M. Nuti. Dmitriev’s essay on Ricardo’s theory of value was originally published in 1898