1. Atkinson, F.V., A value-region problem occuring in the theory of continued fractions, MRC Technical Summary Report # 4/9, December 1963 Madison, Wisconsin.
2. Lecture Notes in Mathematics;L. Jacobsen,1982
3. Jones, W.B. and Thron, W.J., Continued Fractions: Analytic Theory and Applications, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 11, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1980.
4. Waadeland, H., Tales about Tails, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 90, Number 1, January 1984.
5. Waadeland, H., Local properties of continued fractions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Rational Approximation and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics, Łańcŭt, Polen 1985, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag. To appear.