1. Tech. report;R. Attar,1976
2. Attar, R., Choueka, Y. and Fraenkel, A.S. (1978), KEDMA —linguistic tools for retrieval systems, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 25 (1), 52–66.
3. Choueka, Y., Cohen, M., Dueck, J., Fraenkel, A.S. and Slae, M. (1971), Full-text document retrieval, Hebrew legal texts (Report on the first phase of the Responsa Retrieval Project). Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Information Storage and Retrieval, eds. J. Minker and S. Rosenfeld, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, pp. 61–69. An expanded version of this paper appeared as Heft 3, Arbeitspapiere Rechtsinformatik. Berlin: J. Schweitzer Verlag, 1972, 64 pp.
4. Choueka, Y. (1972), Fast searching and retrieval techniques for large dictionaries and concordances, Hebrew Computational Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 6, 12–32 (Hebrew).
5. Choueka, Y. and Dreizin, F. (1976), Mechanical resolution of lexical ambiguity in a coherent text: algorithms and experimental results, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 76), Ottawa, Canada, paper 43.