1. U. Faigle, The greedy algorithm for partially ordered sets.Discrete Mathematics 28 (1979) 153–159.
2. U. Faigle, Geometries on partially ordered set,J. Comb. Theory, Series B,28 (1980) 26–51.
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;B. Korte,1981
4. B. Korte andL. Lovász, Greedoids—a structural framework for the greedy algorithm,Report No. 82230—OR, Institut of Operations Research, University of Bonn, 1982,to appear in: Proceedings of the Silver Jubillee Conference on Combinatorics, Waterloo, June 1982, Academic Press, London (New York) San Francisco.
5. B. Korte andL. Lovász, Posets, matroids, and greedoids, Report No. 83278—OR. Institute of Operations Research, University of Bonn, 1983,to appear in: Matroid Theory and Its Applications (eds. L. Lovász and A. Recski), Conf. Proc. Szeged 1982. Coll. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York: Nort-Holland.