1. Janiš, V., Vollhardt, D.: preceding paper
2. For a review of thed=∞ approach to fermionic lattice models see Vollhardt, D.: In: Correlated electron systems (Lect. Notes for the 9th Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, 1992), Emery, V.J. (ed.). Singapore: World Scientific (to be published)
3. Brandt, U., Mielsch, C.: Z. Phys. B75, 365 (1989); ibid79, 295 (1990); ibid82, 37 (1991)
4. Janiš, V.: Z. Phys. B83, 227 (1991)
5. Hubbard, J.: Proc. R. Soc. (London) Ser. A281, 401 (1964); here we refer to the first part of the approximation in this paper, called “scattering corrections”, which corresponds to the coherent potential approximation for static disorder