1. D. F. Paulonis, J. M. Oblak, and D. S. Duvall:Trans. ASM, 1969, vol. 62, p. 611.
2. Technical Bulletin No. 1011. Special Metals Corporation, New Hartford, New York.
3. J. F. Muller and R. B. Slack: unpublished research, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Conn., 1968.
4. J. P. Stroup and R. S. Heacox:J. Metals, 1969, vol. 21, p. 26.
5. H. L. Eiselstein:Metallurgy of a Columbium Hardened Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy. ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 369, 1965.