1. Abu-elbashar, O. B., 1990, Modelling and simulation of stochastic sands in stratified reservoirs: 2-D description by pseudo-parameters,8th Offshore South East Asia Conference (OSEA), Singapore, Dec. 1990, Paper No. 90182.
2. Archer, J. S. and Wall, C. G., 1986,Petroleum Engineering ? Principles and Practice, Graham and Trotman, London.
3. Bear, J., 1972,Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, originally published by American Elsevier, New York, 1972, now by Dover Publications, New York, 1988; especially section 7.1.10.
4. Bear, J., 1978,Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw Hill, New York, pp. 100?102.
5. Cardwell, W. T. and Parsons, R. L., 1945, Average permeabilities of heterogeneous oil sands,Trans. AIME 160, 34?42.