1. Herschel/Planck ACMS Users’ Manual, H-P-4-DS-MA-001 (December 2006)
2. ASTR for Herschel/Planck User Manual, H-P-4-GAF-MA-0001, rev. 7 (October 2006)
3. Aussel, H.: Towards an accurate reconstruction of the Herschel pointing. Technical Report SAp-PACS-HA-0729-11, issue 1.0, CEA Saclay (November 2011)
4. Aussel, H.: PACS pointing jitter: the GYR view. Technical Report SAp-PACS-HA-0729-11, issue 1.0. CEA Saclay ((November 2011))
5. Aussel, H.: A first look into the STR catalog, CEA Saclay (27 July 2011)