1. ASTM Standard E 399,Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials.
2. ASTM Standard E 647,Standard Test Method for Constant-Load-Amplitude Fatigue Crack Growth Rates above 10?8 m/cycle.
3. PN-84/H-04333,Metals. Test Method for Constant-Load-Amplitude Fatigue Crack Growth Rates [in Polish].
4. V. V. Panasyuk, A. E. Andreikiv, and S. E. Kovchyk,Methods for Evaluation of Crack Resistance of Structural Materials [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1977).
5. A. P. Bobrinskii, M. N. Georgiev, V. P. Danilov, al., ?Methods for testing metals for fatigue crack growth resistance,? in:Metal Fracture [in Russian], Moscow House of Popularization of Science and Technology, Moscow (1977), pp. 150?158.