AbstractThis systematic review consisted of 50 theoretical and empirical articles taking China as a specific case study for identifying efforts and challenges to teachers' digital competence, establishing an understanding of their use of concepts, disciplines, regions, methods, and analysis. The review follows the methodology based on the PRISMA statement and PICO strategy using the 2010–2023 search period. This research has four primary findings: (1) “teachers' ICT competency” and “teachers’ information literacy” are the main terms used for describing teacher’s use of technology for teaching and learning; (2) the current research mainly focused on investigating the status of teachers' digital competence, the influencing factors, and teacher training; (3) non-experimental study for the population of in-service teachers is the leading research directions related to teachers’ digital competence in the context of China; (4) creating good ICT atmosphere by government and schools, conducting teacher training, and using good pedagogical strategies are three main proposals have been made to improve teachers' digital competence in China. The research findings provide the starting points for a subject of reflection and analysis of the Chinese teachers' digital competence status, and it can also support future empirical research.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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