1. C. Lovelace:Phys. Rev.,135, B 1225 (1964).
2. For reviews of three-particle calculations which have employed the poledominance assumptions in one form or another see ref. (3,4)I. Duck:Advances in Nuclear Physics, edited byM. Baranger andE. Vogt, vol.1 (New York, 1968), p. 343.G. Mennessier, J. Y. Pasquier andR. Pasquier: Orsay preprint, to be published.
3. I. Duck:Advances in Nuclear Physics, edited byM. Baranger andE. Vogt, vol.1 (New York 1968), p. 343.
4. G. Mennessier, J. Y. Pasquier andR. Pasquier: Orsay preprint, to be published.
5. The range of the parametric energy is always infinite in multiparticle problems.