1. Bennett, C. H. (1973). “Logical Reversibility of Computation,”IBM Journal of Research and Development,17, 525.
2. Bohr, N. (1949). “Discussions with Einstein on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics,” inAlbert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, P. A. Schilpp, ed., pp. 201–241, Library of Living Philosophers, Evanston, Illinois.
3. Bohr, N. (1958).Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, p. 73; (“Closed by irreversible amplification”); p. 88 (“irreversible amplification“). Wiley, New York.
4. Bohr, N. (1936).Essays 1958–1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, pp. 3,5,6. Wiley, New York.
5. Bronowski, J. (1973).The Ascent of Man, p. 22. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.