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2. I. I. Novikov, Crystal Structure Defects in Metals [in Russian], Metallurgiya, Moscow (1983).
3. Yu. A. Osip'yan (ed.), Defects in Crystals and their Computer Modeling [in Russian], Nauka, Leningrad (1980).
4. A. N. Orlov, Introduction to the Theory of Crystal Defects [in Russian], Vyssh. Shk., Moscow (1983)
5. M. P. Morozova, V. A. Vladimirova, et al., Zh. Fiz. Khim.,48, No. 3, 769?770 (1974);49, No. 5, 1353?1354;51, No. 6, 1565?1566 (1977); Chemistry and Physics of Chalcogenides [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1977), pp. 52?54.