1. A. Sorensen,Some Design Considerations for Tear Resistant Airplane Structures Preprint No. 618, Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, New York (1956).
2. H. A. Leybold,A Method for Predicting the Static Strength of a Stiffened Sheet Containing a Sharp Central Notch, NASA Technical Note D-1943 (1963).
3. E. M. Wu and R. C. Reuter, ?Crack extension in fiber-glass reinforced plastics,?Univ. of Illinois TAM Report, No. 275 (1965).
4. T. P. Rich, M. M. Ghassem, and D. J. Cartwright, ?Fracture diagrams for cracked stiffened panels,?Eng. Fract. Mech., 21, No. 5 (1985).
5. J. P. Romauldi, J. T. Frasier, and G. R. Irwin, ?Crack-extension-force near a riveted stiffener,?RNL, Memorandum Report, No. 4956 (1957).