1. I. A. Arshavskii, Nervous Regulation of the Activity of the Cardiovascular System in Ontogenesis [in Russian]. Moscow-Leningrad (1936).
2. I. A. Arshavskii, In the book: Nervous Regulation of the Circulation and Respiration [in Russian]. Moscow, p. 62 (1952).
3. I. A. Arshavskii, Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference on Age Morphyology, Physiology, and Biochemistry [in Russian]. Moscow, (1959) p. 212.
4. I. A. Arshavskii, Vestn. Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, 4, 18 (1959).
5. I. A. Arshavskii, In the book: Motor-Visceral Reflexes in Physiology and Clinical Medicine [in Russian], Perm', (1960) p. 25.