1. Abramowitz, Leah. 1993. “Prayer as Therapy Among the Frail Jewish Elderly.”Journal of Gerontological Social Work 19: 69–75. PA 80-23045
2. Alper, Sherri. 1992. “Intermarriage in the Family: Issues in Counseling Jewish Parents.”Psychotherapy in Private Practice 10: 103–114. PA 80-18646
3. Bailey, Jessica M. and James Sood. 1993. “The Effects of Religious Affiliation on Consumer Behavior: A Preliminary Investigation.”Journal of Managerial Issues 5: 328–352. PA 81-19721
4. Barbasch, Tamara Michelle. 1993. “Jewish-Christian Dual Heritage: The Subjective Experience of 10 College-Age Children of Intermarriage.”Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 54: 1106-A. SA 9403708
5. Bayless, Scott L. 1992. “Personality Correlates of Moral Reasoning Development in Male and Female Protestant, Jewish, and Roman Catholic Master ’s Level Theological Students.”Dissertation Abstracts International 52(12-B, Pt 1):66899. PA 30-71019