1. Bamber, R. C. (1922). “The male tortoiseshell cat.”Journ. Gen. xii, 2.
2. -Bamber, R. C. (1927). “Genetics of domestic cats.”Bibliographia Genetica, iii.
3. Bamber, R. C. andHerdman, E. C. (1927a). “The inheritance of black, yellow and tortoiseshell coat-colour in cats.”Journ. Gen. xviii, l.
4. — — (1927b). “Dominant black in cats with its bearing on the question of the tortoiseshell males—a criticism.”Journ. Gen. xviii, 2.
5. - (1928). “The problem of the tortoiseshell male cat.”Z. indukt. Abstamm-. u. Vererb. Lehre. Suppl. Bd. i.