1. Wilson, R.N., 1953, Ph.D. Thesis “The Production of Aspheric Surfaces”, Imperial College, University of London, 1–10
2. Smart, W.M., 1947, “Text-Book on Spherical Astronomy”, 4th Ed., Cambridge, 1
3. Wilson, R.N., Delabre, B., 1977, PASP, 109 (Jan.), 53
4. Bhatia, R., 1995, TNG Technical Report No. 43, Astron. Observatory Padova-Asiago; also SPIE Aerosense Conference, Orlando, Proc. No. 2479
5. Shack, R.V., Thompson, K., 1980, Proc. SPIE Conf. “Optical Alignment”, San Diego, Vol. 251, 146