1. Christiansen T, Torkington N (2003) Perl cookbook. Solutions & examples for Perl programmers. O’Reilly Media, Beijing (Final Release Date: August 2003, Pages: 968 *This book is simply very well written and provides a very good introduction to the Perl programming language)
2. Hansen A (2013) Bioinformatik: Ein Leitfaden für Naturwissenschaftler. Birkhaeuser, Basel. (Erstveröffentlichung 2004, isbn 3-7643-6253-7, Taschenbuchauflage – 4. Oktober 2013)
3. Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Flannery BP (2007) Numerical recipes, 3rd edn. The art of scientific computing (English) Bound edition. Cambridge University Press, New York. isbn 978-0-521-88068-8
4. Here are some more book suggestions for Perl and its programming that are not explicitly discussed in the chapter. For other programming languages please look in the tutorial (later chapter in the book)
5. Angly FE, Fields CJ, Tyson GW (2014) The bio-community Perl toolkit for microbial ecology. Bioinformatics 30(13):1926–1927. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btu130