1. D.W. Pashley: A Historical Review of Epitaxy, in: Epitaxial Growth, part A, ed. by J.W. Matthews (Academic, New York 1975 ) p. 2
2. M.L. Frankenheim: Ann. Phys. 37, 516 (1836)
3. H.J. Scheel: Historical Introduction, in: Handbook of Crystal Growth, vol. la, ed. by D.T.J. Hurle (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1993 ) p. 36
4. F. Wallerant: Bull. Soc. Franc. Min. 25, 180 (1902); 0. Mügge: Neues Jahrb. Mineral. 16, 335 (1903)
5. L. Royer: Bull. Soc. Franc. Min. 51, 7 (1928)