Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference89 articles.
1. Adler, F.: Yates correction and the statisticians. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 46 (1951), 490–501 (vgl. auch 47 [1952], 303 und American Statistician 30 [1976], 103 + 104).
2. Bateman, G.: On the power function of the longest run as a test for randomness in a sequence of alternatives. Biometrika 35 (1948), 97–112 (vgl. auch 34, 335/9; 44, 168/78; 45, 253/6; 48, 461/5).
3. Bennett, B. M.: (1) Tests of hypotheses concerning matched samples. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 29 (1967), 468–474.
4. Bennett, B. M.: (2) On tests for order and treatment differences in a matched 2×2. Biometrische Zeitschr. 13 (1971), 95–99.
5. —, and Horst, C.: Supplement to Tables for Testing Significance in a 2 × 2 Contingency Table. New York 1966.