1. Johannes von Kries: Contribution to the physiology of visual sensations. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Physiol. Abt. 2, 505–524 (1878);
2. Johannes von Kries, “Chromatic adaptation”, in Festschrift der Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität, Fribourg (1902), pp. 145–158;
3. Johannes von Kries: “Influence of adaptation on the effects produced by luminous stimuli”, in Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschens, Vol. 3 (Vieweg, Braunschweig 1905) pp. 109–282. These are translated and abridged in D. L. MacAdam: Sources of Color Science (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1970) pp. 101–126.
4. These are translated and abridged in D. L. MacAdam: Sources of Color Science (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1970) pp. 101–126.
5. H. Helson, D. B. Judd, M. H. Warren: Object-color changes from daylight to incandescent filament illumination. Ilium. Eng. (NY) 47, 221–223 (1952); reprinted in Deane B. Judd, Contributions to Color Science, NBS Spec. Publ. 545 (1979), pp. 382–395. Order from Supt. of Documents, US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. SD Stock No. SN 003–003-02126–1 ($14.00).