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3. Ackermann (2014a): The Interaction of Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement – The Calculation of Fines and Damages, in: Hüschelrath/Schweitzer (Eds.), Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe. Legal and Economic Perspectives, 2014
4. Ackermann (2014b): State Aid for Banks in the Financial Crisis: The Commission’s New and Stronger Role, in: Ringe/Huber (Eds.), Legal challenges in the global financial crisis. Bail-outs, the Euro, and regulation, 2014, p. 149
5. Ackermann/Petzold (2011): Energieregulierung und Kartellaufsicht, in: Baur/Salje/Schmidt-Preuß (Eds.), Regulierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 2011