Part B: Ecological Basis (Synecology)


Breckle Siegmar-W.,Rafiqpoor M. Daud


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference44 articles.

1. Agakhanjanz, O.E. & Breckle, S.-W. 2002: Plant diversity and endemism in High Mountains of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Siberia. In: Körner, C. & Spehn, E. (eds.): Mountain Biodiversity – A global assessment. Parthenon Publ. Group, Boca Raton, New York etc., Chapter 9: 117-127

2. Aubreville, A. 1938: La forêt équatoriale et les formations forestières tropicales africaines. Scientia (Como) 63: 157

3. Barthlott, W. & Rafiqpoor, M.D. 2016: Biodiversität im Wandel – Globale Muster der Artenvielfalt. In: Lozán, J.L., Breckle, S.-W., Müller, R. & Rachor, E. (Hrsg.): Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität: 44-50. In Kooperation mit GEO-Verlag. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen.

4. Barthlott, W., Biedinger, N., Braun, G., Feig, F. et al. 1999: Terminological and methodological aspects of the mapping and analysis of the global biodiversity. Acta Bot. Finnica vol. 162: 103-110

5. Barthlott, W., Erdelen, W. & Rafiqpoor, M.D. 2014: Biodiversity and Technical Innovations: Biomimicry from the Macro-to the Nanoscale. In: Lanzerath, D. & M. Friele (eds.): Concept and Value in Biodiversity. Routledge Studies in Biodiversity Politics and Management, 2014: 300-315. ISBN 978-1-415-66057-0







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