1. J.R. Abrial, Data semantics, in Data Base Management, Proceedings of the IFIP-V/orking Conference on Data Base Management, held in Cardese, Corsica, April 1–5, 1974, edited by J.W. Klimbie and K.L. Koffeman, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1974.
2. M. Adiba, C. Delobel and M.Leonard, A unified approach for modelling data in logical data base design, see reference 31.
3. ANSI, Interim report study group on data base management systems, American National Standards Institute, ANSI/X3/SPARC DBMS Study Group, February 1975.
4. C. W. Bachman and S.B. Williams, A general purpose programming system for random access memories, Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, October 1964, vol.26 , pp.411–422.
5. E. Benci, F. Bodart, H. Rogaert and A. Canabes, Concepts for the design of a conceptual schema, see reference 31.