1. Section 5.1. The equations (5) and (13) were derived in this form by W. Flügge: Die Stabilität der Kreiszylinderschale, Ing.-Arch. 3 (1932), 463–506.
2. Techn. Rep.;LH Donnel,1933
3. For a critical comparison see J. Kempner: Remarks on Donnel’s equations, J. Appl. Mech. 22 (1955), 117–118;
4. N. J. Hoff: The accuracy of Donnel’s equations, J. Appl. Mech. 22 (1955), 329–334;
5. J. Moe: On the theory of cylindrical shells, explicit solution of the characteristic equation and discussion of the accuracy of various shell theories, Int. Assoc. Bridge Struct. Engg., Publ. 13 (1953), 283–296.