1. M. Abramovici and C. Stroud. No-overhead BIST for FPGAs. In Proceedings of First IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop, pp. 90–92, 1995.
2. D. C. Ince, editor. Mechanical Intelligence: Collected Works of A. M. Turing, Chap. Intelligent Machinery, pp. 107–128. North-Holland, 1992.
3. S. C. Kleene. Turing’s Analysis of Computability, and Major Applications of It. In R. Herken, editor, The Universal Turing Machine: a Half Century Survey, pp. 15–49. Springer-Verlag, second edition, 1995.
4. D. Mange. Microprogrammed Systems: An Introduction to Firmware Theory. Chapman & Hall, London, 1992. (First published in French as “Systèmes microprogrammés: une introduction au magiciel,” Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 1990).
5. D. Mange, M. Goeke, D. Madon, A. Stauffer, G. Tempesti, and S. Duran. Embryonics: A New Family of Coarse-grained Field-Programmable Gate Array with Self-Repair and Self-Reproducing Properties. In E. Sanchez and M. Tomassini, editors, Towards Evolvable Hardware, pp. 197–220. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.