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2. F. Schmuck, J. Seifert, I. Gutman, A. Pigini: Assessment of the condition of overhead line composite insulators. CIGRE Session 2012, Paris, Paper D2–214
3. R. S. Gorur, T. Orbeck: Surface Dielectric Behavior of Polymeric Insulation under HV Outdoor Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. 26 No. 5, October 1991
4. CIGRE WG B2.21: Guide For The Assessment Of Composite Insulators In The Laboratory After Their Removal From Service. Technical Brochure 481, 2011
5. CIGRE WG B2.03: Guide for the Assessment of old Cap & Pin and Long-rod Transmission Line Insulators made of Porcelain or Glass: What to do and when to replace. TB 306, 2006