1. Bouvier, P., Maeder, A. (eds.) (1977) Advanced Stages in Stellar Evolution, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 7 (Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy, Geneva Observatory, Sauverny), with contributions by Iben, Renzini, and Schramm
2. Hauck, B., Maeder, A. (eds.) Astrophysical Processes in Upper Main Sequence Stars,Saas-Fee Advanced Course 13 (Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy, Geneva Observatory, Sauverny), with contributions by Cox, Vauclair, and Zahn
3. Chandrasekhar, S. (1939) Stellar Structure (University of Chicago Press; reprinted by Dover)
4. Cox, J.P., Giuli, R.T. (1968) Stellar Structure vols. 1,2 ( Gordon and Breach, London )
5. Eddington, A. (1930) The Internal Constitution of the Stars (Cambridge University Press)