1. Studies of the equation of state (EOS) using heavy-ion collisions are reported in a large body of references. Here we refer to a book devoting extensive discussion to the equation of state. Greiner, W., Stöcker, H. (eds.) (1989) The Nuclear Equation of State, Part A: Discovery of Nuclear Shock Waves and the EOS (Plenum, New York)
2. An instructive popular article introducing this topic is: Gutbrod, H., Stöcker, H. (1991) Scientific American, November, p. 32
3. Technical papers that give a good overview are: Ainsworth, T.L., Baron, E., Brown, G.E., Cooperstein, J., Prakash, M. (1987) Nucl. Phys. A464, 740
4. Stöcker, H., Greiner, W. (1986) Phys. Rep. 137, 277 The study of fragmentation and multifragmentation with a view to understanding the liquid-to-gaseous phase transition in the nucleus has been pursued intensively and much experimental effort has been made to identify this phase transition. We mention two popular accounts and a technical report.
5. Ngô, C. (1988) Clefs CEA 11, Hiver (in French)